Friday, February 15, 2013

Of Popes and Men

A short addition to the previous article on the issues with an African pope.

In many African countries church organizations show little understanding for calls for greater rights for homosexuals, a stance which also influences political decisions.

Cardinal Peter Turkson, one of two African cardinals who could succeed Ratzinger when he retires later this month would become a strong political figure in the homophobic anti-equality movement in Africa.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights in Africa are limited in comparison to many other areas of the world. Homosexuality is outlawed to various degrees in 38 African countries.

In Mauritania, Sudan, and northern Nigeria, homosexuality is punishable by death. In Uganda, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone, offenders can receive life imprisonment for homosexual acts.

For Nigerian priest Raphael Adebayo, there is no doubt about this topic. "The Church can respect human rights. But if human rights conflict with God's commandments, then a judge will never support them."

South Africa stands in contrast to its neighbours with formal recognition for LGBT rights and is among an elite few countries that have equality for all under marriage laws.

Yet I digress with crazy notions of equality and justice.

Cardinal Turkson has been a vocal homophobe in Africa. He has previously lent support to Uganda’s “Kill the Gays Bill,” which would apply the death penalty to those convicted of being gay.

Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill, labeled the "Kill the Gays bill", is a proposal that would broaden the criminalisation of same-sex relations in Uganda. Included in various drafts of the bill is a provision for the death penalty as a sentence for those convicted.

This is a bill that has had been internationally condemned, with many media outlets characterizing it as barbaric and objectionable. This bill has also seen widespread condemnation from various Christian organizations including the Roman Catholic Church; Turkson must not have got the memo.

Note: I am aware that my map is missing a few countries including Lesotho and South Sudan, chalk it down to google images not having great maps available for free online.

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